Results for 'Esteban Mariano Suárez Elías'

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  1.  12
    Presupuestos Participativos e instituciones políticas locales. Posibles formas de articulación en casos de Argentina y Uruguay.Esteban Mariano Suárez Elías - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 25 (1):111-134.
    El objetivo del artículo es analizar las formas de articulación entre el presupuesto participativo y las instituciones político-representativas locales (gobierno y partidos) en las experiencias de las ciudades de Córdoba, Gualeguaychú, Paysandú y Montevideo. En primera instancia, se presenta un modelo teórico de análisis con tipos ideales, que expresan formas posibles de relacionamiento. Seguidamente, utilizando el modelo planteado, se analizan los cuatro casos, en dos momentos diferentes, separados por una elección de gobierno local. Finalmente, se señala, en función de los (...)
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  2. Discusión sobre la ponencia del profesor López Calera.Antonio Ruiz Manero, Luis Legaz Lacambra, Angel Sánchez de la Torre, Joaquín Ruiz-Giménez Cortés, Mariano Hurtado Bautista, Francisco de Paula Puy Muñoz, José Delgado Pinto, Terenciano Alvarez Pérez & Elías Díaz García - 1976 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 16:53-90.
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  3. Job Insecurity and Mental Health: The Moderating Role of Coping Strategies From a Gender Perspective.Sara Menéndez-Espina, Jose Antonio Llosa, Esteban Agulló-Tomás, Julio Rodríguez-Suárez, Rosana Sáiz-Villar & Héctor Félix Lahseras-Díez - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The NeOn Methodology framework: A scenario-based methodology for ontology development.Mari Carmen Suárez-Figueroa, Asunción Gómez-Pérez & Mariano Fernández-López - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (2):107-145.
    This paper describes a scenario-based methodology called the NeOn Methodology framework. The aim of this framework is to speed up the construction of ontologies and ontology networks by reu...
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    The Effect of Psychology Objective Structured Clinical Examination Scenarios Presentation Order on Students Autonomic Stress Response.Alberto Bellido-Esteban, Ana Isabel Beltrán-Velasco, Pablo Ruisoto-Palomera, Pantelis T. Nikolaidis, Beat Knechtle & Vicente Javier Clemente-Suárez - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The objective structured clinical examination is a method for assessment clinical competencies and skills. However, there is a need to improve its design in psychology programs. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of the different scenario's presentation order with different complexity/difficulty on the autonomic stress response of undergraduate students undergoing a Psychology OSCE. A total of 32 students of Psychology Bachelor's Degree were randomly selected and assigned to two OSCE scenarios of different complexity. While undergoing the (...)
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    Educational strategy to lessen risk factors in children with atopic dermatitis.Leydis Suárez Ramos, Omara León Gómez, Edilberto Francisco Sánchez Suárez & Esteban Florencio Bassols Viñas - 2017 - Humanidades Médicas 17 (2):270-290.
    Se presenta un artículo acerca de los factores de riesgo asociados a la dermatitis atópica en niños, enfermedad con una incidencia significativa en el municipio Nuevitas. A partir de la revisión de Historias Clínicas en los Consultorios 4,5 y 6 del territorio, en el período comprendido de enero a septiembre del 2015, se constató como importantes los factores genéticos y los medioambientales en estos pacientes. Con el objetivo de disminuir los últimos se elaboró una estrategia educativa para la familia de (...)
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  7. La universalización de la democracia: los hechos y los derechos.Elías Díaz García - 2002 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 36:45-62.
    Por razones de eficacia (cohesión social, comunidad cívica) y, unidas a ellas, por razones éticas (valores de libertad, igualdad y solidaridad) la propuesta normativa de nuestro tiempo debe ser la universalización de la democracia. No hay futuro para nadie si no se avanza en ella, en la universalización de los derechos humanos, en su protección y realización efectiva en esa escala. Frente a los hechos que impone hoy el neoliberalismo conservador y la muy desigual globalización realmente existente, deben prevalecer los (...)
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    Effects of Academic Degree and Discipline on Religious and Evolutionary Views in Chile and Colombia.César Marín, Victor Hugo García-Merchán, Julián David Arbeláez-Moreno, Esteban Camilo Ochoa-Berrío, Diego Martínez-Rincón & Guillermo D'Elía - 2021 - Zygon 56 (1):54-74.
    Relationships between degree/area of academic formation and religious and Darwinian views are controversial. This study aimed to compare the religious beliefs and acceptance of Darwinian evolution between two contrasting South American scientific communities (Chile and Colombia), accounting for different degrees and areas of academic formation. In 2018, 115 last year bachelor students (surveyed as freshmen in 2014 for a previous study) from Chile, and 283 first/last year bachelor students, graduate students, and professors from Colombia, all belonging to biology, chemistry, or (...)
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  9. Legitimidad crítica y pluralismo ideológico.Elías Díaz García - 1975 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 15:45-64.
  10. Aspectos de la ciencia aplicada en la Espana del Siglo de Oro.M. Isabel Vicente Maroto, Mariano Esteban Pinero & K. Van Cleempoel - 1997 - Annals of Science 54 (3):311-311.
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  11. El Padre Cámara y la acción social en Salamanca, 1885-1904.Mariano Esteban de Vega - 2004 - Ciudad de Dios 217 (3):805-837.
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    Neocons Y teocons: Fundamentalismo versus democracia.Elías Díaz Cintas - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:61-79.
    T echnocrati c fundamentalis m (neocons ) an d theocrati c fundamentalis m (teocons) ar e t w o manifestation s o f politica l though t v e r y restrict i v e o f democra c y . Th e f irst on e ha s a highe r incidenc e i n th e f iel d o f econo m y an d th e secon d on e i n tha t o f the (...)
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  13. Derecho y ley en José Ortega y Gasset / Right and Law in José Ortega y Gasset.Francisco Elías de Tejada - 1965-1966 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez (5-6):109-127.
    Contents: 1. Razón del presente estudio -- 2. La formación del Derecho -- 3. Ortega y el Derecho natural -- 4. Ortega y el espíritu popular o "Volksgeist" -- 5. El Derecho y la Moral -- 6. Derecho y ley positiva -- 7. Colofón.
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    La metodología jurídica de Lul-liana.Francisco Elías de Tejada - 2022 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 1 (2):139-156.
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  15. (1 other version)Ciencia, ciencias y filosofía en Hegel.Francisco Elías de Tejada - 1969 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 9:95-121.
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    Anchustegui igartua, Esteban.: El tiempo de la filosofía política. Grijley, Lima, 20.Richard Suárez Sánchez - 2014 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 61.
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  17. ¡ Por favor, san Esteban! Deseos y plegarias en la sacristía del convento de San Esteban (informe preliminar).Bernardo Fueyo Suarez - 2002 - Ciencia Tomista 129 (3):607-626.
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  18. ¡Por favor, san Estebán! Deseos y plegarios en la sacristía del convento de san Esteban.Bernardo Fueyo Suárez - 2002 - Ciencia Tomista 129 (419):607-626.
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    Numerical solving of equations in the work of José Mariano Vallejo.Carlos-Oswaldo Suárez Alemán, F. Javier Pérez-Fernández & José-Miguel Pacheco Castelao - 2007 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 61 (5):537-552.
    The progress of Mathematics during the nineteenth century was characterised both by an enormous acquisition of new knowledge and by the attempts to introduce rigour in reasoning patterns and mathematical writing. Cauchy’s presentation of Mathematical Analysis was not immediately accepted, and many writers, though aware of that new style, did not use it in their own mathematical production. This paper is devoted to an episode of this sort that took place in Spain during the first half of the century: It (...)
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  20. Obras de Fray Juan de Palencia (+1580), cantor del Convento de San Esteban.Bernardo Fueyo Suárez - 2007 - Ciencia Tomista 134 (434):449-494.
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    CRESPO, MARIANO; FERRER, URBANO, Die Person im Kontext von Moral und Sozialität: Studien zur frühen phänomenologischen Ethik, Verlag Traugott Bautz GmbH, Nordhausen, 2016, 175 pp. [REVIEW]Esteban Marín Ávila - 2017 - Anuario Filosófico:424-427.
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  22. Los planes de estudio de la carrera de Derecho: algunas reflexiones críticas.Mariano García Canales - 1980 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 20:239-266.
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    Adecuación e identidad: sobre la idea de verdad en Santo Tomás y Nicolás de Cusa.Mariano Álvarez Gómez - 1964 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 4 (2):5-52.
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    Entrevista a nicolás M.ª López calera.Mariano Maresca & Modesto Saavedra - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:573-581.
    Nicolás, esta entrevista pretende ser un estímulo para que, al hilo de unas cuantas preguntas, expongas algunos aspectos de tu pensamiento y de tu trayectoria intelectual. La conmemoración de los cincuenta años de existencia de los Anales coincide aproximadamente con el momento de tu jubilación. Tú has dirigido la revista durante la mayor parte de este tiempo y, desde luego, has sido un testigo importante de la evolución de la filosofía jurídica durante ese periodo, además de haber participado directamente en (...)
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    Comunidades metafóricas: la metáfora como herramienta epistemológica en la filosofía estética de Mariano Iberico.Javier Teofilo Suárez Trejo - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 48 (2):357-372.
    En el presente artículo, se describen y analizan las características de la metáfora como herramienta retórica y epistemológica desde la perspectiva de Mariano Iberico (1892-1974) en su _Estudio sobre la metáfora_ (1965). Para el filósofo peruano, la metáfora es una instancia mediadora entre lo que sucede fuera del hombre y lo que sucede dentro de él. Es este rasgo mediador el que se revela como posibilidad epistemológica con consecuencias éticas, ya que el conocimiento metafórico se produce a través de (...)
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    Rodrigo Escobar-Holguín. Territorio y voluntad comunitaria.Andrés Suárez-Astaiza - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (154):296-301.
    Bajo el título Territorio y voluntad comunitaria, la editorial Aula de Hu- manidades, de Bogotá, publicó en 2021 el trabajo de investigación doc- toral de Rodrigo Escobar-Holguín: “El ordenamiento territorial como acto volitivo comunitario. Un enfoque fenomenológico”, sustentado en junio de 2019, como requisito para optar al título de doctor en Filosofía por la Universidad del Valle en Cali, Colombia. La tesis fue dirigida por el profesor Julio César Vargas Bejarano y el jurado evaluador estuvo compuesto por los profesores Ana (...)
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  27. Manuel de Soba y su Ceremonial Salmantino.Bernardo Fueyo Suárez - 2008 - Ciencia Tomista 135 (437):487-546.
    Presentación del manuscrito Ceremonial Salmantino, escrito entre 1757 y 1761 por Fray Manuel de Soba y Ocariz, cantor del convento de San Esteban. Se ofrecen datos sobre el autor y un resumen del contenido del libro y de sus fuentes. La obra informa sobre la liturgia y el culto en la iglesia, y sobre la vida del convento y su proyección social en la ciudad de Salamanca. Tal información se complementa con otros documentos de la época, y se estudian (...)
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  28. Sobre la ciencia jurídica dominante en las Facultades de Derecho: la crisis de la reforma.Mariano Maresca García-Esteller & Modesto Saavedra López - 1980 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 20:73-114.
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  29. Ariel or Caliban? the civilizing process and its critiques.François Dépelteau, Enio Passiani & Ricardo Mariano - 2013 - In François Dépelteau & Tatiana Savoia Landini, Norbert Elias and social theory. New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
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    Legacy Lecture: Elias Baumgarten.Elias Baumgarten - unknown
    Elias Baumgarten taught philosophy at the University of Michigan-Dearborn from 1972 to 2018. He was born in Brooklyn, grew up in California, and went to schools in Boston and Chicago. He was one of the first recipients of the campus’s “Distinguished Teaching Award.” He taught a wide variety of courses including Medical Ethics, Ethics of War and Peace, Ethics of Nationalism, and Darwinism and Philosophy. Most of his publications are in ethics, including “Zionism, Nationalism, and Morality” and “Curiosity as a (...)
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  31. Curiosity as a Moral Virtue.Elias Baumgarten - 2001 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 15 (2):169-184.
    I argue that curiosity about the world deserves attention as a moral virtue, even apart from the role it may play in (the more generally praised) love of wisdom. First, close relationships and caring are reasonably considered part of a well-lived life, and curiosity is important for caring both about people and about things in the world. Second, curiosity helps us to define an appropriate way for persons to be affected by certain situations. Perhaps most important, curiosity can help one (...)
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    The collected works of Norbert Elias.Norbert Elias - 2006 - Dublin: University College Dublin Press.
    Elias wrote in both English and German, and in all his work runs to 14 books and around 90 other essays, along with poems and numerous interviews. The 18 volumes of the collected works contain many writings not previously published in English, and a small number never published before. All of the texts have thoroughly checked and revised, by editors who have a deep knowledge of Elia's thinking; they have inserted many clarifications, cross-references and explanatory notes.
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    The Salmanticenses, On the Motive of the Incarnation by Dylan Schrader (review). [REVIEW]Justus Hunter - 2024 - Franciscan Studies 81 (1):241-243.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Salmanticenses, On the Motive of the Incarnation by Dylan SchraderJustus HunterThe Salmanticenses, On the Motive of the Incarnation, trans. Dylan Schrader. Early Modern Catholic Sources 1. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 2019. Pp. xlix + 203. $65.00. ISBN: 978-0-813-23179-2. This is the first volume in the much-anticipated Early Modern Catholic Sources Series edited by Ulrich Lehner and Trent Pomplun. Fr. Dylan Schrader has done (...)
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    The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy: Phenomenology of Emotions, Systematical and Historical Perspectives.Rodney K. B. Parker & Ignacio Quepons - 2018 - Routledge.
    Volume XVI Phenomenology of Emotions, Systematical and Historical Perspectives Aim and Scope: The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy provides an annual international forum for phenomenological research in the spirit of Husserl's groundbreaking work and the extension of this work by such figures as Scheler, Heidegger, Sartre, Levinas, Merleau-Ponty and Gadamer. Contributors: Esteban Marín Ávila, Thiemo Breyer, Jakub Čapek, Mariano Crespo, Roberta De Monticelli, John J. Drummond, Søren Engelsen, Maria Gyemant, Mirja Hartimo, Elisa Magrì, Ronny Miron, Anthony (...)
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    Actions Without Events.Elias Savellos - 1988 - Southwest Philosophy Review 4 (2):17-27.
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    Knowing Things for Sure: Science and Truth.Mariano Artigas - 2006 - Upa.
    In science it is obvious that we are certain about many things, but among philosophers there is little agreement as to why we know these things. In Knowing Things for Sure physicist and realist philosopher, Mariano Artigas traces the confusion to non-realist philosophies and argues that practitioners of experimental science do reach logical truths about reality.
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    Autonomy as the self-realisation of an environmental identity.Esteban Arcos - 2024 - Environmental Values 33 (5):495-510.
    This article addresses the question raised by the Anthropocene of rethinking the concept of autonomy which, in the conditions of the new geological epoch, is subject to a crisis of legitimation. It explores the ‘strong hypothesis’ according to which nature is a necessary condition of our qualitative experience of the world and a constitutive relation of autonomy defined as the self-realisation of individual identity. With this aim in mind, the article attempts to rethink the concept of recognition in order to (...)
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  38.  15
    Democracy: constrained or militant? Carl Schmitt and Karl Loewenstein on what it means to defend the constitution.Mariano Croce - forthcoming - Intellectual History Review.
    In the recent literature on militant democracy, two claims are made on the relation between its most famous advocate, Karl Loewenstein, and German jurist Carl Schmitt. The first claim is that, although the latter came to support the Nazi regime, in the late 1920s he provided an early model of militant democracy that looks more robust and elaborated than Loewenstein’s. Schmitt’s constrained democracy is believed to cut deeper into that which militancy is supposed to safeguard. The second claim is that (...)
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    SMT and TOFT: Why and How They are Opposite and Incompatible Paradigms.Mariano Bizzarri & Alessandra Cucina - 2016 - Acta Biotheoretica 64 (3):221-239.
    The Somatic Mutation Theory has been challenged on its fundamentals by the Tissue Organization Field Theory of Carcinogenesis. However, a recent publication has questioned whether TOFT could be a valid alternative theory of carcinogenesis to that presented by SMT. Herein we critically review arguments supporting the irreducible opposition between the two theoretical approaches by highlighting differences regarding the philosophical, methodological and experimental approaches on which they respectively rely. We conclude that SMT has not explained carcinogenesis due to severe epistemological and (...)
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    Filosofía de la ciencia.Mariano Artigas - 1999 - Pamplona: EUNSA.
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    Virtual Reality in Marketing: A Framework, Review, and Research Agenda.Mariano Alcañiz, Enrique Bigné & Jaime Guixeres - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Undoing ties: political philosophy at the waning of the state.Mariano Croce - 2015 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic. Edited by Andrea Salvatore.
    Undoing Ties: Political Philosophy at the Waning of the State is a comprehensive overview of the most significant theories and contributions in the field of political philosophy of the last three decades. It is a journey through contemporary political philosophy that puts forward a basic interpretative hypothesis. Mariano Croce and Andrea Salvatore analyse the theories and proposals of many prominent political philosophers and attempt to arrive at the conclusion that today's politics is characterised by a striking reviviscence of groups (...)
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    A history of modern philosophy.Mariano Fazio - 2017 - New York: Scepter Publishers. Edited by Daniel Gamarra.
    The modern era--the time period which envelops the Renaissance, Rationalism, Empiricism, and the Enlightenment--was a fundamental period in history which formed Western civilization into what we know today. These centuries in Europe have been defined by certain personages who are essential to our collective consciousness today: from Descartes, Luther, and Pascal, to Hobbes, Hume, and Kant. The History of Modern Philosophy provides a comprehensive overview of the major philosophers and philosophical currents of the period. Formed from their many years of (...)
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    Metafísica y experiencia: homenaje a Mariano Álvarez Gómez.Mariano Álvarez-Gómez, Paredes Martín & María del Carmen (eds.) - 2012 - Salamanca: Ediciones Sígueme.
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    Philosophy, law and politics: an enlightenment in wisdom and knowledge.Elias Chinedozi Nwokeke (ed.) - 2021 - Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria: Clacom Publications.
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    Forme di realtà e modi del pensiero: studi in onore di Mariano Bianca.Paolo Piccari & Mariano Bianca (eds.) - 2015 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Proclus on the transition from metaphysical being to natural becoming: a new reading of the Platonic theory of forms.Elias Tempelis - 2017 - Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press.
    This volume examines the historical end of the Platonic tradition in relation to creation theories of the natural world through the Neoplatonist philosopher Proclus' (412-485) elaboration of an investigation of Plato's theory of metaphysical archetypal Forms. Proclus proceeds to a systematic construction of this theory and grounds it in ontological monism. He presents the Forms as constructing, through their combinations, the presuppositions for the creation of the natural world, in such a way that it functions in an orderly and harmonious (...)
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  48. Elements of a First-Person Ecology: Historical Roots, Recognition and Ecospirituality.Esteban Arcos, Damien Delorme & Gérald Hess - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (4):91.
    Starting from the observation that there is a gap between knowledge of the environmental sciences and practical engagement, for example, in climate change or biodiversity loss, this article explores one possible explanation for this situation—namely, the process of objectification inherent in science. It then proposes to remedy the situation by defending the idea of a ‘first-person ecology’. This term refers to a field of research and practice that looks at the relationship between humans and nature from the point of view (...)
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    The plight of the exception: why Carl Schmitt bid farewell to Hobbes.Mariano Croce & Andrea Salvatore - 2023 - History of European Ideas 49 (7):1105-1119.
    This article offers an in-depth analysis of Carl Schmitt's social ontology to explain how and why he came to reject exceptionalist decisionism. To this end, the authors unearth the considerable shifts in terms of social ontology that paved the way for this conceptual turn. The gist of their argument is that Schmitt's Political Theology (1922) espoused a Hobbesian conception of the political as the possibility condition for stable patters of social interaction. Though the first three chapters of Political Theology were (...)
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  50.  22
    El amor como motivo ético en la fenomenología de Edmund Husserl.Mariano Crespo - 2012 - Anuario Filosófico 45 (1):15-32.
    Husserl va haciéndose consciente de que el ideal “racionalista” de la razón no hace justicia por sí solo a la riqueza de la vida moral. La vida lograda no consistiría solamente en conducir ésta de acuerdo con el ideal de la razón, sino en dejarse mover por el amor. Éste presenta dos características: revela la individualidad de la persona que ama y de la persona amada y funda una “comunidad del tender” con la(s) persona(s) amada(s).
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